Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Secretary accidentally bites off boss' penis

Secretary accidentally bites off boss’ penis

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A SECRETARY accidentally bit off the penis of her employer while giving him oral sex in a car.

Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported yesterday that while the 30-year-old woman was performing oral sex on the man, the car was hit by a reversing van. The impact of the crash, China Press reported, caused the woman to bite off her lover’s organ.

The daily reported that the incident occurred in a Singapore park where the couple met after work.
To make matters worse for the woman, her husband had sent a private investigator to spy on her after suspecting that she was being unfaithful.

The investigator said he had followed the woman and her boss to the park. “On reaching the park, they did not alight from the car. Not long after, the car started to shake violently.

After the car was hit by the van, there was a loud scream from the woman whose mouth was covered with blood,” he said. The woman later followed her lover to the hospital with part of the sexual organ. The investigator, who called an ambulance to send the man to hospital, said that this was the first time he had encountered such an incident. Ex-stewardess publishes memoir

The dailies also reported that a former stewardess has published a memoir of her sexual escapades in the sky. The Singaporean stewardess, identified as Chew, 35, published The Mile Hi! Club: Memoirs of a Stewardess last Wednesday. Chew confided that she had received more than 20 requests for sex from passengers in her years as a stewardess but claimed she had turned down all of them.

Watch an Exclusive Clip from 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'

Funny...take a look at an exclusive clip from "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (WARNING: contains some strong language).

Sunday, May 17, 2009


cute tul video ni...

p/s: tak leh harap nye wonderpet...manusie jugak yang tolong tupai tu, siot

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Attend lecture kat Academic Earth

again, kalo korang xde keje pastu nak wat bende yang berfaedah atau dapat menambahkan ilmu kt dalam kepale otak korang tu...bole la check Academic Earth untuk dengar lecture dari top universities cam Yale, MIT atau Princeton....kalo cam aku ni aku dengarla lecture pasal kimia...ade banyak lagi subjek lain...economy ke, finance ke, religion ke...ape-apela...so kalo nak carik lecture, bole carik by subject, by university atau by instructor/lecturer....lagipun bole download, hehehe

Yuna - Backpacking Around Europe

Aku pun nak gak letak lagu yuna dalam ni...hehehe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

masuk contest kat eMenang

kadang-kadang aku bukak eMenang....dalam tu die listkan contest2 yang korang boleh masuk, online contest ke, sms contest ke, treasure hunt ke...ape2 jela

so kalo korang takde keje lain pastu nak menang hadiah, cekla eMenang (blog edition) ni..wuahahaha

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Goes Green | ZapRoot

kalo aku dah xde keje lain, bukakla youtube tengok video org2 bodoh kt dalam tu...tp slalu aku bukak zaproot ni, cite pasal environment, green technology, global warming awareness, etc.

memang banyak info dalam video ni, pastu care die deliver tu ade lawak2...kalo aku tengok kene bukak 2-3 kali sebab die cakap laju sangat....kalo korang nak tengok cek la zaproot homepage, tak pon tengok kt viropop playlist kt youtube

yang video kat bawah ni video latest kot, banyak lagi episod die...hehehe


suke tul aku bace lifehacker ni...banyak bende yg bole dibace. bukan pasal komputer je, bende2 lain pun ade gak...so try la bace

kalau dah takde keje lain

Kalau dah takde keje lain...ni la jadiknye, buat blog